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Wilson Yu


Wilson Yu has had a passion for tax since first beginning his career in 2012—and he shares that passion by crafting unique tax solutions tailored to the needs of each of his clients. As a result, he has forged long-lasting relationships with many of his clients that span more than a decade.

His dedication to the profession is further exemplified through his role as a facilitator for CPA Canada’s level I and level II In-Depth Tax Program, where he has mentored other CPAs interested in strengthening their tax practices over the past five years.

After graduating from Wilfred Laurier University with an Honours Bachelor of Business Administration degree, he joined KPMG LLP’s indirect tax group where he honed his tax planning expertise by delivering value-added services to high-net-worth individuals, owner-managers, and foreign multinationals doing business in Canada.

In 2017, he joined Truster Zweig LLP to be mentored by the renowned Perry Truster. In 2019, he took a brief hiatus to work at Crowe Soberman LLP, where he expanded his multinational tax experience before returning to TZR in 2021 to be mentored by Vishal Raithatha. He was promoted to partner in 2025.

Over the course of his career, Wilson has developed sophisticated tax plans for high-net-worth individuals, devised estate succession plans, and helped resolve GST and HST tax disputes. His ability to analyze complex tax legislation has also seen him play a critical role in matters such as corporate reorganizations, mergers and acquisition planning, and Canada/U.S. and international cross-border compliance and tax planning.


  • Chartered Accountant (CA)
  • Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA)
  • BBA, Honours Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Waterloo
  • CPA In-Depth Tax Course Levels I, II, and III
  • CPA In-Depth Tax Course Levels I and II Facilitator
  • Member of the Canadian Tax Foundation (CTF)